A review by heatheray
Gargoyle by Scarlett Dawn


Scarlett Dawn is one of my go to authors whose every release I grab and read. Gargoyle was no different. In fact, I was more excited about Gargoyle almost because there is something about Gargoyles that call to me and I always grab the few shifter books I can find on them.

Where do I even start with Gargoyle? This is great example of Dawn’s work, in your face right from the start, humorous, hot, with a tad bit of crazy thrown in.

At the beginning I wasn’t sure what kind of character Kennedy was going to be. With the way the book begun, I was kind of surprised to see her be as strong of a woman as she was. In the beginning she was on the clock tower hanging off of Isaac’s (in gargoyle form) kickstand. Who knew she’d grow to be someone who could stand on her own and not take anyone’s grief? I really liked her as a character.

Isaac. What an egotistical gargoyle who I ended up loving. He’s the guy you want to hate but end up loving. I loved the chemistry between him and Kennedy.

I loved 99% of this book. It goes up there with my favorite Scarlett Dawn books (which would be all of them). There was one scene that just didn’t feel right to me. I know other reviewers have mentioned this one part but I don’t want to spoil it in my review. It just came out of left field and felt a little awkward to me. It wasn’t the subject matter but how this particular subject was introduced.

When I was done reading I was really hoping that Scarlett would continue on with this as a series with each member of the family/other characters. I would snatch those up in a heartbeat.

Another great read from Scarlett Dawn that has made me pick up other books in the Woodland Creek series. I can’t wait to see what other authors beyond Dawn and Moen (loved Dearborn as well) have to offer from this town.
