A review by kawai
The Best American Sampler 2011 by Geraldine Brooks


Each year, the "Best American" series puts out a collection for each of the major writing forms (short story, travel writing, mystery, sports), highlighting what it believes to be a handful of the best writing from that genre for the year. This year for the first time, "The Best American" team released a cheap ($0.99) sampler of their collections, which included two pieces from each of the collection.

Any writing collection will be a mixed bag, with some pieces alternately resonating and boring different groups of readers, and a collection OF those collections is no less likely to suffer the same result. That's definitely the case here. While the language was almost universally good, there were only a few entries that really stuck with me. A piece late in the book, from "The Best American Travel Writing", painted an intriguing, if somewhat schizophrenic, picture of a year in the life of Miami; a piece somewhere in the middle, (From GQ, a great magazine all in all), part of "The Best American Sports Writing", chronicles the touching story of a surfing prodigy among the best in the world who lives his life inside a shell of Asperger's; finally, a piece from "The Best American Short Stories" tells the story of a grieving mother's complex relationship with her grandmother, using a pet parrot and crumbling house as fulcrums.

A decent collection, all in all. With such good pieces from such disparate collections, it's almost impossible to decide which collection might be worth buying in full.