A review by books_over_everything
Bright Ruined Things, by Samantha Cohoe


Initial Thoughts
I loved A Golden Fury by Samantha Cohoe and basically begged Wednesday Books for an ARC of Samantha's next book.

Some Things I Liked
Great Gatsby vibes. I loved the 1920s glamour and the nods to France. The setting was so opulent and mysterious and I loved every second of it.
The Tempest. I've literally been saying forever that I wish someone would write a YA retelling of The Tempest and BOOM, Samantha Cohoe for the win. Loved it.
Morally grey characters. Everybody, and I mean everybody, was morally grey in some way and I lived for it.

One Thing I Wasn't Crazy About
The romance. I wish the romance was tied up a little more. I really wasn't into Milo as a love interest and I loved Ivo and wanted so much more of him.

Series Value
I'd definitely love to read more about this world and these characters. However, I think that the mystery would be a ruined a bit by sequels. The story ends on a perfectly mysterious note and another installment would demolish that ambiguity.

Final Thoughts
This was the retelling of The Tempest that I always wanted. I am definitely going to keep reading Samantha Cohoe's books.
