A review by lesserjoke
Diana and the Island of No Return by Aisha Saeed


I suppose I'd recommend this new middle-grade series to tweens who love the Wonder Woman character already and are excited to see more of her childhood, but I haven't gotten much out of the first volume myself. The conflicts are a little repetitive and easy to solve, and both the villain and the heroes make some bizarre choices, like applying the Lasso of Truth to a trusted friend rather than a shifty stranger when their accounts are in dispute. I also think this version of Themyscira loses much of its traditional mystique when the island is open to visitors and there are demons and magic potions apparently commonplace around the world.

I'd still probably give the book a middle-of-the-road three stars for the above issues since I'm clearly not the target audience here, but the setup for the sequels is too vague and unsatisfying for that to feel quite right. Instead I'll round down to two, which is a more accurate reflection of my own response to the title anyway.

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