A review by kaylakaotik
144 by Joe Pringle


I knew that if 144 was half as good as Unbreakables, it would be worth the read. It didn’t cross my mind, though, that 144 could possibly be the better book. I got a pleasant surprise.

Joe’s writing is even better than before. I was hooked on the story from the very beginning. He provides just enough detail to make the story interesting without bogging it down with unnecessary details. Joe is a mastermind at creating these elaborate heists. He leaves nothing to chance. Just when I thought I had something figured out, he switches it up and keeps me guessing. I loved it.

There were some other things that, while not super important, I did enjoy. I liked that we were given some information about what the characters had been up to since their last heist, but it didn’t take away from the present day story. I also liked that Leigh, Thomas, and Tendai were more important characters this time around. Thomas and Tendai were especially interesting to me.

Joe’s books just keep getting better. If there’s another book in the series, I will definitely read it.

* This book was received from the author in exchange for an honest review. *