A review by emmaemmaemmaemma
Henry IV, Part Two by William Shakespeare


Another history that again, I enjoyed because of thy dynamics between Prince Hal and his lads. He did get a bit more boring as he became more responsible, but I suppose it’s for the greater good of England. Although the histories are my least favorite of Shakespeare’s works, I am actually looking forward to seeing how Hal fairs as a king in Henry V.

Another one down! Here’s a few cool quotes,

Northumberland: See what a ready tongue suspicion hath! He that but fears the thing he would not know. Hath by instinct knowledge from others’ eyes.

Chief Justice: I am well acquainted with your manner of wrenching the true cause the false way.

Prince Hal: What wouldst thou think of me, if I should weep?
Poins: I would think thee a most princely hypocrite.

King Hal: Presume not that I am the thing I was; For God doth know, so shall the world perceive, that I have turn’d away my former self.

Pistol: si fortuna me tormenta, spero me contenta (a garble of languages that translates to “if fortune torments me, hope contents me”)