A review by readivine
Uprooted by Naomi Novik


This was supposed to be an August Buddy Read with ✦ Maica ✦ but because of SCHOOL SHENANIGANS, I hadn't been really active here in Goodreads for almost a month and it was dreadful. My 2018 streak screeched to a halt in August hahahahahahahha *sobs* and I really missed out a lot. *whispers*FRIENDS I'M BACK PLS FORGIVE ME FOR GHOSTING YOU *whispers*

Anyway, [b:Uprooted|22544764|Uprooted|Naomi Novik|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1480121122s/22544764.jpg|41876730] was in my 2017 must-reads but I DNFed it for multiple reasons; and now, due to ✦ Maica ✦'s sudden obsession with [a:Naomi Novik|8730|Naomi Novik|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1206646770p2/8730.jpg], I get to give this a second chance! AND OHOHOHBOYYY AM I GLAD TO DO SO.

There's a lot of storylines happening in this book and I do think that it could be a bit overwhelming for some, and it could also be pretty much all over the place. However, its redeeming qualities lies heavily on the characters, the fairytale vibe, and the freaking writing style. This is the kind of purple prose that I'd happily gobble up.
It's not cliche or cringy, rather, it's woven so poetically that I can't help but sigh in relief with every descriptive line I read. I also fell in love with the overall fairytale setup, and it feels like being a child again flipping through folklore. [b:Uprooted|22544764|Uprooted|Naomi Novik|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1480121122s/22544764.jpg|41876730] is like all my favorite folklore reads on steroids, and that's a good thing!

I really like how there was a lot happening in the book, and I really appreciate every turn of the plot. It's not your staple heroes-vanquishing-the-villains-in-one-strike setup. It was instead a frustrating journey of figuring out what the Wood really was and how to overcome it. AND ON TOP OF THAT, I GET TO HAVE MY FILL WITH PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE FLIRTATIONS FROM THE LEADS. That my dear friends, is my fatal flaw. I just can't get enough of these tsunderes ahahhaha. The latter half of the book was the most struggling part for me and the resolution wasn't what I really expected. It wasn't that satisfying at all and it rings hollow for me. However, this book will surely be one of my favorite folklore reads for this year!