A review by mandimariem
Fall of Snow by Montana Fyre

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
When it Raynes and Dead of Wynter had some dubious moments, but they were the kind of dubious where you know the character was just conflicted with what they were feeling. Getting to page 84 in this book and I knew that I would not like this. Snow may have "feelings" for Elijah, but those feelings as of right now are based on the idea of something. Not actual feelings.
When it Raynes had a near instant connection between Emerson and Rayne, same for Dead of Wynter with Everett and Wynter. Dead of Wynter actually had a really good back story that got incorporated into the story, making their love even better. 
Meanwhile, Elijah has obsessed and fantasied about Snow for 10 years, while Snow probably had interest in at least attempting something with other people. 
I decided to stop reading where I was (finished a chapter) and read some reviews. Let's just say I was not happy with what I read in those reviews. If Elijah had managed a way to make Snow genuinely fall in love with him, I would have continued. I can not believe that a book that essentially endorses Stockholm Syndrome has as many 4 and 5 star reviews. Don't get me wrong, I love the dark aspect of Wynter's and Everett's relationship, but this is a poor excuse of a relationship and a horrible way to start a relationship. Sorry Montana Fyre, you just lost yourself a reader. 
No matter how intrigued I was when I discovered the series, and how curious I am at seeing Storm meet his match, I can not and will not continue this series. Because I know that what will happen in this book is going to carry over into the fourth and I am not willing to read about, especially from the older brother's perspective as he is processing the events himself. I don't even want to read Snow try to rationalize it herself. 

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