A review by thegeekyblogger
Changing the Game by Jaci Burton


Bought for Myself
Overall Rating 4.5
Character Rating 4.5
Story Rating 4.5
Hot/Sizzle Rating: Off the Charts

NOTE: I read both Play by Play books this past week and have to say I am slightly disappointed I have to wait on the next one! They were that good!

What I Loved: Liz, which after what she pulled in The Perfect Play I was slightly surprised. She grabbed my heart though and at one point I seriously wanted kick Mick in the shins for how he was treating her. Gavin was an awesome match for Liz. He was strong and stood toe-to-toe with her when she was getting scared. Again, I love the Riley clan (except for Mick who slid to just likable status) and think they really make these books stand out. The smexiness was steaming hot!

What I Liked: There were times I outright disliked Mick during this book but by the end he made it back into my "like" category. I understood the mad because of what happened to him. However because of his personal history, I thought he took the grudge to far and was to unforgiving. In a way, I hope he learned a valuable lesson from how things came to a head in the end.

Complaints: None! I really wish the new book, Taking a Shot, was coming out sooner!

Why I Gave it a 4.5: I liked this one just a smidge more that The Perfect Play! Both are excellent reads :)