A review by allingoodtime
Christmas for the Deputy by Nicole Helm


3.5 stars

The boys (men) from Last Stand really tug at my heartstrings. Ethan is no exception. Not only does he internalize so much hurt, but he does it with a façade of calm and control. Nobody sees past that façade until Penelope. And Pen didn’t see the real Ethan until the real Pen came out.

Being the oldest of three girls, it was Penelope’s natural inclination to take over the nurturing role when their mother passed away. Then she got married young and had children herself and that nurturing became more intense and gave her a strong need for control and order. All the while she compared herself to her deceased mother, never feeling quite like she’s living up to the memories she has of the woman.

It’s obvious that Pen and Ethan are perfect for each other. Not only does Ethan bring a sense of calm to Pen, but he is head over heels for her daughters and they for him. Yet nobody can seem to admit what’s right in front of everyone’s faces.

I love this story and I love the characters. Unfortunately, I was missing the chemistry. Even though I think these characters are a perfect match, it wasn’t coming off the pages for me here. There’s no rhyme or reason for that. I can’t explain it at all. It seems like all of the ingredients were there for a perfect recipe, but there was still something missing. Which makes me sad since I love everything about this story.

A quick warning for those of you haven’t read the first in this series, Homecoming for the Cowboy; I think you’ll be missing some key points about the way the Ethan and his brothers and Penelope and her sisters were raised if you don’t read that first story. Sure, you can read this as a standalone, but you’ll be missing a depth to this story if you do that. Plus, that first book is amazing and a must read.

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

You can read more of my reviews at All In Good Time.