A review by _pickle_
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. Lockhart


This is an effectively written book about not falling neatly into place. I needed a palate cleanser—to say nothing of something to get me back into reading again—and this occasionally charming story worked well in that role. It was also the first YA book I've read (in the past few years, at least) that felt like it had the substance and merits of a 'normal' book. Lockhart writes with wit and without condescension or that saccharinity/over emotional edge that I dislike about other YA books I've read.

The book makes thought provoking comments about privilege, accepting, or rejecting, the roles other people try and (often subconsciously) place you in, and yes, growing up. The book is short yet still finds time to develop a story and build likeable (that is to say, human (which is to say, flawed)) characters.

A nice book, all in all. Not nice in a tea cosy, damning with feint praise, but actually nice.