A review by strikingthirteen
Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes by Chris Roberson, Jeffrey Moy, Philip Moy


I had a surprising amount of fun with this one. I'm more than familiar with Star Trek but I've never heard of the Legion of Superheroes but given what both sides learn about each other when they meet it's a kind of cool team up. Kirk and company area heading to San Francisco so Kirk can give a commencement address and the Legion is just popping back home after a trip. Both hit the same temporal anomaly and end up in another universe which is, many times over, stated as being worse than Star Trek's Mirror Universe.

I thought the Legion worked well with the Enterprise crew, and it seems that there are lot of similar personalities types here so you could see people paring off with counterparts but also butting heads. I couldn't appreciate much the the tie in with the villain but from what I could understand it seemed to work just fine.

The only thing that kept nagging at me was Kirk's hitting on one of the female Legionaries. Kirk's reputation as a ladykiller is much more blown up than it really was in the original series and having him making a pass more than once after being told no the first time was a little jarring.

Overall though this could have been bad and silly and was instead a rather fun read. Every character had their moment and stood out, which is no easy feat considering how many characters there are here.