A review by readsbykayla
The Way We Bared Our Souls by Willa Strayhorn


Oh man...what do I say about this book? I bought this a couple months ago from BookOutlet and I was very excited to start it. The synopsis sounds fascinating and unique; like something I've never read before, and it is. I have to give props to Strayhorn for the overall uniqueness of her book. That's about all I can commend though.

This had the potential to be so freaking good. Unfortunately, it was poorly written. The characters are poorly designed and it does more telling than showing. Each of the characters are tragically flawed and I wish that they had been fleshed out more rather than being props.

My biggest grievance is with Thomas, a former child soldier from Liberia who struggles with his past and the things he had to do. If written properly, this would have been an amazing story. However, the first time we're introduced to Thomas, it's with shallow superficiality. The first thing to describe him is, "In brief, [Thomas] was a really hot student from Africa who looked half the time as if he wanted you dead the other half as if he was about to hand you a bouquet of flowers and sweep you off your feet." Seriously, what the hell???? Of all the things you could introduce a character with, this is how you choose? I'm not sure if Strayhorn was attempting to be "cool" or "hip" but this was unnecessary.

Also, the entire issue with
Spoiler Kaya's death was unnecessary. It was interesting how she was interpreting her ancestors' tragedies but it was done so poorly that it wasn't believable. The ONLY reason that she died was because it didn't fit within the couple model. Thomas and Lo were 'in love' and Kit started having feelings for Ellen so in order to make this work, Kaya had to die! I'm sorry but that's not how writing works...

The only reason I'm giving this two stars instead of one is because it was a quick read. I wanted to know how it ended, even though I didn't like it. So I guess there's that.