A review by alliepeduto
Island Affair by Priscilla Oliveras


If you want a book that will make you dream of beach vacations, this novel is for you! With a fake relationship and a hunky firefighter male lead, this had all the elements I was looking for in a romance, but ultimately I was more drawn to the locale than the people. And while I felt it was a little flat in terms of characters, Key West shines all on its own.

Sara Vance is a blogger extraordinaire, and while she's holding her own in the social media influencer world, her family, all doctors, just don't understand. This family vacation celebrating her mom beating cancer is the time for her to show them how much she's grown, but her boyfriend flakes out, leaving her desperate for a backup plan. Enter Luis Navarro, a firefighter who has been forced to take leave to deal with some of his own issues. What ensues is your classic "fake relationship" trope, where the romance is contrived but the feelings are all real.

I loved the premise of this novel, but found the character development a little lacking. Sara and Luis felt more like cardboard cut-outs of real people, and the family drama seemed too stereotypical. But in stark contrast to the flimsy setup and lack luster people, Key West shone through in all it's gorgeous glory. I loved the descriptions of the food and the sunsets, and I could all but smell the sea salt air. I'm already dreaming of a vacation there, which is exactly what I wanted from this book.

Overall, this was a fun distraction from the world's problems, and a great family-focused affair!