A review by znrtr
Prince of Air and Darkness by M.A. Grant


*3.5 stars

This book was a fun little fantasy to read for the most part, but there were some plot holes and descriptions that were lacking, some things that could have been elaborated on more, and the ending felt rushed.

Great if you enjoy m/m romance, enemies-to-lovers, angst, secret sacrifices that they’ve made for each other, and unique magic systems. I enjoyed this but I’m a little disappointed that the rest of the series focuses on different main characters because I would have loved to see Roark and Finn’s story continue — again, the ending was quite abrupt and felt like it solved some of the problems at hand too easily?

It also ended way too close to the couple actually getting together so I didn’t really get to see them be too couple-y, which was a bummer. But overall, this was a well-written story, and you’ll love the characters, their fears and hopes, and their chemistry. The only reason it took me so long to finish is because I honestly didn’t want it to end and had to stop myself from rushing through it.