A review by bibliotequeish
Horror Stories: A Memoir by Liz Phair


I grew up listening to Liz Phair, and I really wanted to like this book.

But it was not my cup of tea, while I appreciate the candor in her stories, they were very dramatic. And I think much more dramatic then they had to be, I was turned off when she described a tennis game with an ex boyfriend and when she realized he was a much better tennis player than her she burst into tears and was inconsolable,
While I'm sure there is more to that story than just what was floating on the surface, it did not make me any more empathetic towards her. 

The feeling that I got from these stories was that these were all horrifying experiences for her, and I'm sure many of them were, but she hams it up a lot. Almost like she assumed we would all be shocked that all this happened to her... but in reality it's not shocking, it's just stuff that happens. 

I hate assuming how an author feels when writing anything, and I'm sure this was a very cathartic experience for her, writing it all out. 

But it read a lot like the ramblings of a drama queen.