A review by jldyer
The Keeper's Vow by Francina Simone


I had a lot of problems with this book at first. There were grammatical and other copy editing mistakes that bothered me. A book deserves to be polished at publishing, much less 4 years after it's been released.

I also had trouble with the world. I know Katie was coming into it not knowing what was going on, but I don't think D-Range was explained until book two, and yet it was brought up multiple times in book 1. I was very confused through the first third of the book with the world that was introduced.

I agree with other readers that the book didn't find its own until the final third. But I think the world is beautiful. Katie is a pain in the ass in this book and that lowered my enjoyment of the book too, but she grew throughout the book as did Tristan. The other characters were more incidental.

I think it's worth reading through this book in order to read the second.