A review by abookishpenguin
The Authenticity Project by Clare Pooley


When Julian Jessop left a notebook titled The Authenticity Project in Monica's Cafe, bring his truth, he didn't expect to find a new purpose, new friends. He didn't expect to aid in a happy ever after, help an addict recover or bring together families. Julian's notebook started a cascade of emotional, heartwarming and truly beautiful events, bringing together people who needed it most. 

I was blown away by this book. I almost don't know what to say. 
This book was made up of a motley group of characters who ordinarily probably wouldn't have crossed paths and certainly wouldn't have been friends. Yet they are brought together and the way they help and change each other is beautiful. 
I'm a sucker for interconnected stories, and this book linked characters together so well: Hazard met Monica before we really knew where the story was going; Monica and Alice crossed paths almost by accident. There were elements of predictability to the stories, but much more surprised me than I guessed in the end. 
I really liked how this book showed the danger of jumping to conclusions. Miscommunication is normally my least favorite trope, but this book used it in such a perfect, relatable way to show how wires can become crossed and snap judgements never give an accurate picture of someone else. 
This was just a beautiful book. I laughed with the characters, I cried with them and for them and I honestly loved every single one by the end, in spite - and maybe because - of their flaws.