A review by junojuniper
Exposed by H.L. Day

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
DNF at 65%
I'm so disappointed. I really, really liked it until 50% when they get together and have sex for the first time. I started to get annoyed. From that point on, I felt like they acted out of character. It was all too "OMG I think I'm falling in love with my stalker/protector who's also a killer. I should really push him until he fucks me now that I've got this power over him..." I don't know... It killed the building anticipation I had for them. It was too soon. 

I tried to press on. It's very rare that I DNF a book passed the 50% mark. But I was losing interest fast. And then I-love-yous were said and I rolled my eyes so hard. Cuz I could understand it when it came to X, but coming from Tate it was just... no. Like, dude, I'm okay with you crushing on him and being grateful, but you should want many more conversations with him before you think this is love. 

I completely lost interest and I don't care that I don't know how it ended.

Oh well.