A review by fiskmat
The Rose Society by Marie Lu


Okay so this is the first review I make of a book so excuse me if it sucks, but it has to be done for this book. ALSO SPOILER ALERT, I'm not capable of writing a review without spoilers rn.

I read almost half of the book in less that a day at first and I fell in love with Magiano and the more powerful Adelina. I started shipping them so much (like how can you not????). I noticed how he brought out the light in her as Violetta says in the end.
After I read almost half the book I didn't read it for a few days, I honestly got irritated or something because Enzo got revived. I knew it would fuck up everything, especially Adelina, she was never in good control with him. I didn't have many thoughts I remember now about the middle of the book and such, I am still overwhelmed by the ending.

About the last battle. I lost myself in it and felt myself turning darker as I read it, I got a thought in the middle of it; "This book series makes me realise how dark I actually am." I, and those around me, see me as a kinda nice person, some know that I'm darker than I look and act to others but this book made me realise that if I had Adelina's power, I wouldn't be very different from her.
AH RIGHT when Adelina and the others Elites met on the boat and when Adelina for a moment turned her focus on Magiano, saying he was an angel of joy (or something like that I can't recall the exact words), my heart swelled with love. It was so cute and pure (??), idk it just made me so happy and I wished more than ever for them to get together.

SO naturally the end crushed me, after the battle I was literally pacing in my room because of the energy I got from reading the battle. So then when it adruptly stopped I didn't know what to do. I just slowly sat down in my bed and continued reading as I felt the dread and sadness claw it's way into my heart. When Adelina "turned down" Magiano my heart sank, but I still had hope that she would get to her senses. THEN it happened, Violetta, she understand so well and idfk. I got mad at Adelina, how can she be so blind? But of course she is, the whispers and illusions are really taking over her. When Violetta ran I didn't know what to think, I hoped in all my heart that she would return or perhaps Magiano would come in to calm down Adelina... It was about then that my heart really broke and now I'm really dreading starting the next book.

If I know this series well I know that the next book will once again fuck with my head just as the other two books have done. This series is probably the one who has fucked with my head and emotions the most.
Even saying that, I don't regret reading it AT ALL. It is just so different from other young adult books I've read and a book who can make me start pacing from a battle is 100% worth reading.

Honestly I do not know if any of what I've written makes much sense at all, I just needed to vent and write about this book somewhere. If you read all this, thank you for 'listening', I hope you related to some of it at least :]