A review by jesssicawho
The Basic Eight by Daniel Handler


How I discovered: Recommended to me as light vacation reading by a family member.

What I liked: I enjoyed author Daniel Handler's quirky writing through the voice of Flannery Culp. The character's acerbic wit and sarcasm jump start the novel and keep the story moving even when the plot becomes a little stale toward the end.

What I didn't: Since we learn early on in the book that Flannery is convicted of murder, I kept waiting for the big event/reveal. When it finally came in the form of a "twist" I found myself thinking, That's it? What's more, I found too many plot holes. Perhaps this was Handler's intent, thereby reinforcing the idea of an unreliable narrator (Flan certainly meets that criteria), but we are left with too many frustratingly unanswered questions.

What I learned: I'm reminded that I want to check out the Lemony Snicket books (also written by Handler). I like his style, but wish this book had gone a little further.