A review by ciannareider
The Race by Joan De La Haye



This short story packs a huge punch. The main character is a bartender with a bit of a checkered past, and somehow winds up in a battle royale.

World leaders and political figures make bets and wagers among themselves on which of these people will win out and Joanna has no one betting on her. A pawn in the game, but she's not ready to lie down and give up. Joanna's got some fight in here.

I know this is a novella, but I love this world that Joan built. It's interesting and I want more of it. I want to see the new challengers and what will happen next.

Joan's writing as always is flawless, grounded in our real world but so engaging that you don't want to stop reading it. It just grabs you! I can't wait to read more from her! Highly recommended!

*Review was done in conjunction with NerdGirl Official. For more information, visit them on Facebook. Book was provided for honest opinion.