A review by buj
The Lost Compass by Joel Ross


It's safe to say this is my new favorite middle grade series. When I found out there were only 2 books, not the 3 I thought it had, and I cried a little inside because I wanted to stay in this world and with these characters as long as possible, but after finishing this installment, I'm left completely satisfied.

Plots and character arcs wrap up in a satisfying manner while leaving room for the imagination to take over, the nuisances of the world and Chess' role in controlling the Fog comes to fruition, and the characters and their individual relationships continue to be so lively, distinct, and just plain fun without falling into tired tropes.

Can't recommend this enough, especially if you like unique worlds like something out of Bioshock Infinite or a Philip Reeve's Railhead or Mortal Engines books.