A review by readswithrosie
Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden


Part drama, part action, and part mystery, this novel set in the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota intertwines Native traditions into an exciting and fast-paced race to find the culprits of a heroin dealing ring infiltrating their reservation.

Virgil Wounded Horse is a vigilante (according to his ex’s mom a “hired thug”)- he handles crimes on the reservation that the feds won’t. His sister was killed in a car accident years ago, and he’s been raising his nephew Nathan since then. However, when Nathan overdoses on heroin and was caught with pills in his school locker, Virgil knows he needs to find out who is behind the drug spikes on the reservation. And fast.

What started as a slower paced story turned into a page-turning drug bust that beautifully weaves Native traditions into the action. I love the character development in this story, and was completely drawn in by the cultural dynamics at play. Perfect when paired with a chilly afternoon by the lake, plenty of layers, and a charcuterie board to snack on. 4.4⭐️