A review by crtsjffrsn
Inversion Point by Jenn Burke, Kelly Jensen


Felix was certainly more than glad to get Zander back after he died. And he never expected that things would suddenly be normal for the two of them. But everything just gets more and more complicated by the day. For one, there's a cult that apparently worships Zander now intent on following them all around the galaxy. It's not just an annoyance; it's actually get in the way of them completing jobs. And a new species has emerged, potentially triggering a war when they destroy a probe belonging to the stin. Zander is pulled into the fray as an emissary for the Guardians, and the situation is further complicated by the presence of two individuals from Felix's past: a former lover in the form of the human ambassador and one of the stin who tortured him during his captivity. It's an intense situation all around, and everyone is counting on Zander to keep the peace and avoid another war. And it may take more out of Zander than anyone is willing to notice--except Felix, who is finding himself taxed in several ways himself. But if they've made it this far, they'll persevere. Right?

I am beyond pleased with this installment in the series. They say in order to move forward, you have to confront your past. We've seen Zander do that more than once in the series. In the process, that means Felix has had to do the same, but not quite to the extent that Zander has. Here, though, we get a glimpse at potential futures for Zander in his role as emissary and a long, dark look at Felix's past. There are turning points here for everyone, and the way they choose to respond to them is certainly going to shape not only how things play out during the summit and its aftermath but the rest of their lives. Many unexpected twists lie within.

There's one more book in the series after this one. I can't wait, but I also don't want it to end...

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]