A review by knitchick
Doctor Who: The Glorious Revolution by Jonathan Morris


Wow!!! This was really one of the best audios, one of the best Big Finish works, I've listened to in a while.

Frazer Hines is a wonderful actor, I had the privilege of meeting him a couple of years ago and I'm looking forward to seeing him again this November. He does such a wonderful job as narrator of this audio! Of course, Jamie is one of my absolute favorite companions so I may be a wee bit biased but really, this was excellent!

This is a story that really focuses on Jamie, and his background. Jamie, of course, joined the Doctor after the Battle of Culloden Moor in 1746, the final battle in the '45 Rebellion led by the Young Pretender, Bonnie Prince Charlie. This story goes back in time a bit to Charlie's grandfather, King James II.

The story is told from Jamie's point of view, narrated by him as he tells a mysterious visitor to his cottage in Scotland about this particular adventure with the Doctor. Another actor portrays the visitor, and the King, but the rest is all Frazer. His Doctor is SPOT ON, to the point where I actually thought "Gee, they found an actor who sounds just like Patrick Troughton! But why didn't they have someone for Zoe's part?" But in the little behind the scenes part at the end of the disc, it's revealed that the Doctor is all Frazer. It really felt like I was listening to one of their adventures.

For me, though, one of the best parts was the fact that it was narrated by Jamie. In his Scottish brogue. Friends who know me well understand my deep love for that accent.

I would highly recommend this to any fan of the Second Doctor and Jamie, or any fan of Scottish history. Very well done!