A review by savagebean
When Sorrows Come by Seanan McGuire


Somewhere along the way these books stopped being quick mystery whodunits and started being all 'Oh no what's happening to these characters now. WTF is happening in faerie, why is October always next to it, and how is it gonna end badly for someone I have been forced to care about?" Somewhere around book 5? 6? They kind of all blur together - probably because I've read the last...6 books in the past 6 weeks.

Oh hey I have been in a WHIRLWIND of catching up with this series in the dog days of summer. I finished this one just in time for the 16th book in the series to be released and I have put off reading it because, well, this one was so GENTLE. Still blood and murder and espionage but it ended so HAPPILY.

I am very nervous about the next one, and about waiting a YEAR for the one after that.