A review by meilynn
The Healing Wars: Book II: Blue Fire, by Janice Hardy


I wish that this site could allow you to rate from 1-10, because then I would've given it a 7 or 7.5.
I think that this book was a good follow-up to the first one. The way that the surroundings and the characters are described is very subjective, meaning that everything is really from the main character's perspective, allowing you to get to know her on a deeper level.

There was a lot of things that was happening all the time, and I think it's good that the author actually acknowledged this considering that Nya actually though that several days had past when it was actually only hours. However, the luck in this book is unreal. Nobody important have died and Nya keeps getting caught all the time but she always manages to escape by herself. I don't know if the author is well aware of this or not, considering that Jaetar actually called her ''the Saint of optimism'', can't really decide if the Saint-thing is a joke or not..

This shows that Nya is a really driven person that does everything in her power to help others, but I think that she is too reckless and that maybe something else could happen in the story accept for the war. I don't mean anything big, it's just that I sensed hints of a romance with Daniello but they where very few. I suppose that there is something going on there on the backstage of the story since he is always there for here no matter what and he would never have made the same decision as Aylin in the end, I just want a little more of it. I figure that I will see more of this at the end of this series.