abdullah's reviews
141 reviews

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

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First of all let me just say that this book is perfect for character driven readers. Because oh my god, the characters. All of them are so good. Like I love them soo much. The story was gripping and the conversations were gold. Extremely excited to read Book 2. And very hyped for the Netflix show.
Storm Front by Jim Butcher

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ok so, this was really fun. this book has an urban setting with a protagonist who is a charismatic wizard and also a detective. harry dresden was such a fun character to read about. the book has a mystery which was gripping and i liked the world. even though, most of the stuff the book has is what we've seen before in most fantasy medium, this book had a nice spin to it with an engrossing story. i think the only problem i had was i wanted more complexity from the characters and i want to explore more of harry's magical part of the world, both of which i think we'll see more in the other books of dresden files. i also really liked the writing (which was very easy to read) and the mild humor in the book. in conclusion, this book had me interested enough that i want to read the next book sooner i thought i will.

Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

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ok, so. i loved this book. i got to know this book because it's highly recommended by paperbackdreams (kat) and i finally read it. initially, i wanted to read it because it talks about academic pressure which is something i've always suffered from.

the story was so well done. how our generation acts, how people on the internet act, how some parents are, how some teachers are, how fandoms work and how we feel in our day to day life was pitch perfect. i believe alice oseman knew what she was doing when she wrote all this because this was really good.

moving on to the characters, and oh my god i love them all except for carol cause I HATE CAROL.

francis janvier : genuinely loved and related to this character so much. she's the smart and clever school girl who also happens to funky in secret and loves a weird but good podcast called Universe City. her arc was so relatable to see and her self discovery in many topics was done so well. she suffered from academic pressure and i especially related to that so much cause it's always something i had to deal with. i loved her relationship with her mom who deserves to be on the top moms tier list.

aled last : aled was a beautiful character to see and his story line was so important and done so well. i love him. he's that shy socially awkward guy who also happens to run the podcast which francis loves along with many other people. his family dynamics were done amazingly. his friendship with francis was a delight to see and i want their friendship so much :]

daniel jun : he's korean and francis' rival in school. i loved seeing his dedication to a lot of stuff. his conversations with others are done so nicely and were really fun to read. his relationship with aled was beautiful and his conversations with francis were gold

raine sengupta : i think if we're going to make a friends tier list, she would come at the top. she was such a fun side character who was also an amazing friend.

carys last : she's aled's twin sister and had a friendship with francis in the past. i think her storyline was very important. she knew her weaknesses but never let them defined her worth. she knew what was wrong in her life and how she would improve. she had the courage to do things many people in her situation wouldn't have. she's obviously not perfect but i liked her.


That is all. I had so much fun reading this book. It's obviously not a perfect book cause obviously nothing is usually but I really had fun with the book.
The Devil All the Time by Donald Ray Pollock

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4.5 stars.
this was a gripping and stomach turning read. this book follows an ensemble of characters most of which we hate and few of them we root for. the writing was really nice and added a nice touch to the whole atmosphere of the book. the story itself was really good and some scenes had me thoroughly disturbed. i honestly can't wait for the adaptation because the casting choices were really nice and i can't wait to see this story and the characters live.

TW : Animal killing, racism and slight homophobia, suicide, pedophilia and grooming, religious extremism and some bloody scenes.

also, i'd like to add that there was no scene in the book where the preacher said this like in the trailer ;-;
Skyward by Brandon Sanderson

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Ok, so. Let me say one thing first : M-bot was perfect . Nothing compares. If you disagree, you will be dealt with by M-bot's vocal aggression sub-routine. As M-Bot has previously said:

“Tremble and fear, all enemies!” he shouted. “For we shall shake the air with thunder and blood! Your doom is imminent!”

Ok, in all the serious-ness M-bot was a fantastic companion and I loved each and every one of his line. But, this story isn't about M-Bot, it's about Spensa who M-bot is the companion of. Spensa is a young girl who dreams to join the flight school to become a pilot like her father. Pilots are the most highly regarded personnel in this book because it's set in a planet where it's inhabitants are constantly in danger from the attacks from the above by the aliens known as the Krell. So, the people of the planet, Detritus, live underground. Spensa has to tackle many obstacles in order to join the flight school because her father was named a coward after he escaped the most important battle in history. The high officials seem to think it's a genetic thing and belief that Spensa will do the same but the time comes.

Spensa's arc was beautiful to read. All the revelations were done amazingly. All the side characters were well defined and I loved them all (especially Kimmalyn). This book is so fast paced and never boring. The sci-fi element of the book was all so intriguing. It was so much fun reading all the dynamics and different personalities of the side character. My only wish for book 2 is that we explore more of the aliens and the outer world.

This book definitely did claim the five stars from me but mainly it's because of M-bot <3
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

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3.5 stars

ok, so. i found the characters and the writing to be superb. the conversations were 10/10. i'll definitely read more of Austen's books in the future.

the more i read the more i kept wondering how the plot is the basic plot of almost every pakistani serial nowadays.