alexanne's reviews
73 reviews

White Bird by R.J. Palacio

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"In these dark times, it's those small acts of kindness that keep us alive, after all. They remind us of our humanity" - Vivienne

i know this book by Amazon 'top picks for you' and i decided to read it. less than a day i finished read this book. such a good book. she story was so sad, but it was really really good.

this book is her story of being a teenage Jewish girl in Nazi-occupied France during WW II, being separated from her parents when the Nazis came to her school, the hatred they fomented, and their vicious search for the Jewish children. she escapes, thanks to a boy classmate with polio, whom she has mostly ignored, and how his family hides her. it is a story of human kindness and bravery in a world gone mad. this book is meaningful.
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom

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this has been on my tbr. this book is good, i know since page 72, please i love this book sm. you should read this book at least once in your life
Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar

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well, this is the perfect book if you looking for light book. however, there's bangladesh words that kinda hard to me, i mean i need to block the sentence and translate it
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

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"I will never let anyone see my full heart and destroy it."

you can finish this with one sitting, because the chapter is sort. love it. i really enjoy because i don't feel like i read a poem! book in verse