I always thoroughly enjoy reading CC’s work and this one is no exception. My only criticism is that there were a few things that were solved by what I feel like were plot conveniences. Overall though this was SUCH a good historical novel, the pinning ALONE kept me reading but then add in all the schemes going on? I'm so nervous for the last book I just know Miss Cassie is going to tear my heart into bits. Poor Cordelia and Lucie though they can’t seem to catch a break
My first Victoria Schwab book and the start of my goal of reading more middle-grade books this year! This was a spooky, fast read that I could easily see my 11-year-old self loving.
Was going to give this four stars until the last 60ish pages where suddenly all the characters turn into the worst versions of themselves. I get that you're going to act out as a 13/14 year old if your mom just up and vanishes but Semple paints Bee as more of a child in the beginning of this book so the switch to teen angst seemed very abrupt to me. Not to mention Elgie's handle on the situation is just....scary
I did read this all in one day though so there is some entertainment there! I don't know if since this book is about upper-class, white suburbanites that the racist remarks in this book are there as a sort of commentary but I think that could have been a little more emphasized if that were the case. I'm not saying you have to spell it out for me but I was left wondering and maybe that's simply because this was written in 2012.
Wow okay I know this sounds insane but I honestly didn't think this was going to end as well as it did. I was CONVINCED Elias, Laia and Helene were all going to die adsfgh I loved the inspiration of old-world civilizations and think the magic system runs in a similar vein to The Poppy War series which I very much enjoyed.
I'm not going to lie I went into this book thinking it was going to be a cute gay romance and was NOT expecting this prose. I was quite frustrated with Grace for half of the book but I'm certain that was by design and absolutely adored the last 100 pages of this book.
What a compact third installment WOW!! I really loved Laia and Livia's development in this book and am hoping for some more Darin in the last one but I won't hold my breath 😂
Oh boy have I missed reading books by Alexandra Bracken! I can't believe how much she packed into this book, the end of every chapter had me wanting to read the next. Don't even get me started on the TWISTS!!! Brilliant, all of it.
Really loved this character study and introspection at what a rape can do to a community. Brilliant writing and craftsmanship. This and [book:Know My Name|50196744] should be mandatory reading
I would probably give this 3.5 stars tbh. Wow what a story to highlight. While I very much agree with the author that arranged/forced marriages are a silent pandemic in this country and many over the world I did think this book had some pacing problems. Not to mention I felt like this book only skimmed the surface of the characters it surrounded.
I still enjoyed it and had an easy time reading it but I just find it lacking the depth I was hoping for.