aloo_13's reviews
28 reviews

Teach Me by R.A. Nelson

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This book wasn't at all what I imagined it would be and I love it. The character of Nine was just normal at the beggining but then you realize of how can love change such a normal person and lead them to do the unthinkable. I think that's awesome. Maybe a bit creepy but I loved it.
1984 by George Orwell

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I wish I was as inspired as I was when I first started reading it or when I finished it. Incredible book. Made me think a lot about our current situation, in the modern world. Also resonated with my own ideas and thoughts about society. Tending to be pessimistic, pragmatic, functional and so on, I liked the control and organized part of the system. I thought it was a beautiful technological improvement back in those times. It rids us of emotions, we're in our way to become human robots. I loved it. Of course it's unethical, it's just a philosophy, totally against human rights. But it's just evolution or devolution. You pick. Amazing book.
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

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It's one of the first explicit books I've ever read so it practically initiate me into this subject that I've grown up to love.
Después de Clases by Carla Angelo

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Me encantó! Pienso que es un libro romántico adolescente. Me parece muy dulce pero tiene su acción. Nunca aburre.
Los Sueños Secretos de Sophie by Carla Angelo

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Me parecía estar leyendo un cuento. Y Sophie es prácticamente solo una niña caprichosa que cree que todo lo merece. Me gusta porque en él, el personaje de Sophie se va desarrollando y va creciendo hasta llegar a la Sophie de Mi vida un show (el segundo de esta historia). Me gusta mucho la relación de Sophie e Ian. Ian es muy protector de ella pero tampoco se deja llevar por los caprichos de ella. Me parece un muy buen libro y lo disfruté mucho!
Mi Vida un Show by Carla Angelo

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Debo decir que soy una fan de los libros anteriores a esta historia. Aunque el final de este me ha decepcionado un poco. Definitivamente creo que los seguidores de esta historia deben leerlo.