amu_pdf's reviews
244 reviews

Song of the Six Realms by Judy I. Lin

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It’s not a bad book, I just don’t like fantasy. It was a good plot but I kept losing interest because it really isn’t for me. I don’t have much to say besides they should’ve been lesbians.

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

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Somehow Jacob is worse in the books than in the movies and Charlie literally is the worst which is upset. Overall, I think it was a good end to the series. (Breaking Dawn is not canon, I love how Alice changed Bella to a vampire at the end :D) I thoroughly enjoyed reading this series and all my thoughts on the movies pretty much stand in the books also.
Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton

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Honestly it was mid. It was mostly thoughts I had at like age ten. I don’t disagree with her thoughts and lessons per say, I just don’t think it was a very engaging book. 

Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

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I do not accept Breaking Dawn as canon btw. The series ended with Eclipse. That being said I did not necessarily hate this book. Honestly, I could get past the Nessie of it all if they didn’t have Jacob imprint on her. I wouldn’t have been happy but I would’ve coped. The imprinting is somehow worse when reading about it than watching it and I hated every moment. The rest of the book was good and I like the ending. It was very fun to read this entire series.

Learn Your Lesson by Kandi Steiner

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I loved this book. It was so heartwarming to see the characters grow and learn together. The author did a good job at intertwining serious conversation and lighthearted situations. I loved seeing the relationship build between Chloe and Ava. Frequently in single parent books, the kid seems like an afterthought but this book did a good job making it clear that Will is a father and cares for his daughter while also having a good amount of romance.

In The Game by Sloane St. James

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Each character in this book felt fake. Like charactertures of what they were supposed to be. I didn’t really enjoy it and honestly Barrett just irritated me throughout the book. He got slightly better, but he just kept pushing Raleigh to do things she wasn’t ready for and it was just annoying.