anushka_adishka_diaries's reviews
254 reviews

Territory of Light by Yūko Tsushima

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“The length of the silence equalled the depth of the abyss.”

'Territory of Light' by Yuko Tsushima (transl. from Japanese by Geraldine Harcourt) is a story of a single mother and her 3 year old daughter, following the parents separation.

In 12 short vignettes, the mother-daughter's journey in rented office apartment, a new locality and changes to their lives come alive. Each page is filled with 'Light'–happy, sad, painful and liberating.

The weight of separation takes a toll–the mother slipping into depression (there's no clear mention but the words speaks out) and the daughter with her anger issues, attention seeking and matureness before time, hits a soft spot. But it's always them against the world, and that's a solace.

The writing is sheer beauty. The journey of parenting–at times overbearing and at times ladden with overpowering love, all ties up together in a beautiful mess; one you would crave more of.

Classics might be difficult read, but this one flew by quite naturally, barring some metaphorical inklings which I had to go back to for better understanding.

The book doesn't follow linearity or definitive ending; but if you cherish episodes of best and worse times together and finding home in that bond, then you should definitely pick this one. This is a story of Life and its Territory of Light.

This demands freeing your mind from judgements and understanding the psyche of the characters. It's not about justifying the actions but looking into the world of single parenting that isn't a walk down the path of roses.
The Death of Vivek Oji by Akwaeke Emezi

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“So: If nobody sees you, are you still there?”
It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

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An easy 4.5 ⭐

"It’s not a person’s actions that hurt the most. It’s the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear."
Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman

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“Time makes us sentimental. Perhaps, in the end, it is because of time that we suffer.”
Lucy 3: Lucy and the Rise of the Parabola by Anandajit Goswami, Anandajit Goswami, Debashis Chakraborty

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"Lucy and the rise of the parabola" by Anandajit Goswami and Debashis Chakraborty takes a dive into the possibilities that the succeeding centuries possess through the dreams of the uncorrupt mind of little Lucy.

It is the third sequel of the Lucy series which deals with the ensuing events after Lucy's second dream and chronicles the events of her third dream where she participates in a tripartite negotiation between Earth, Satellite and Parabola. But Lucy had an inkling that something was wrong and to everyone's dismay the meeting ended at an unforeseen turn events and the plot is left at a cliffhanger.

The uncomplicated writing and the simplicity of the plot makes it good book for beginners. But it becomes mandatory to read the first two books before taking a dip into Lucy's third dream.
It's Punny Oops, I mean Funny! by Namita Das

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If you're looking for a humorous read to finish at one sitting this should be on your radar!

People say, "Home is where the heart is" but what's there in the heart? A truckload of banters, sarcasm, togetherness, nosy neighbours & friends crashing on you couch!

"It's Punny Oops, I Mean Funny" by Namita Das starts with our protagonist Anu dreaming of becoming a best-selling author but she doesn't have a promising plot for her best-seller; & in the midst of the crisis Mr. Husband takes on the privilege of asking 'Why not write Their story!' & lo behold, an idea is formed & Anu decides to narrate the humorous anecdotes of hers & her husband in the pages that follows.

It's a very short book, which you can complete within an hour tops & that one hour is surely worth the time; laden with laughter, witty & sarcastic comebacks; alongwith the relatability quotient of the moments shared between the couple and their surrounding.

If you love watching stand-ups then you should definitely pick this book!

If you had a bad day or spent your day with a heavy read & are looking for some light-hearted enjoyment, pick this beauty up & facepalm yourself & laugh aloud while reading the antics of our Urban Couple!

The chapters are short & crisp, humor hitting right at point and the ease of language makes it an easygoing read!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book but I'm left wanting morrrree!!
Circe by Madeline Miller

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Rating- 4.5 ⭐

“Humbling women seems to me a chief pastime of poets. As if there can be no story unless we crawl and weep.”