arcaneoddity's reviews
73 reviews

Twisted by Steve Cavanagh

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while still thoroughly enjoyable, this is probably my least favourite of cavanagh’s works. the story, while interesting, just didn’t gel with me as much as his others! i did gasp at that moment as i did not see it coming and those are cavanagh’s strongest parts of his books, but overall just didn’t stick with me like his others 
None of This Is True by Lisa Jewell

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first of the audio book itself was absolutely incredible, i’m so glad i experienced this book that way. 

the story itself i’m slightly unsure of. started slow, but i got really really into it as it went on, and then i just feel it… fizzled? i liked the whole mixed media aspect but i just somehow feel it loses it’s oomph even if the plot is more ‘intense’ and it tried to hard too make it ‘twisty’ at the end? idk.  
also it really irks me that it’s titled like this, and they tried to spin walter’s character making it josie’s fault with that situation when she was literally a child idk how to feel about that ?
dont regret reading (listening) to it but i think that’s more due to the audiobook than the actual story
Kill for Me, Kill for You by Steve Cavanagh

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steve cavanagh you son of a bitch. felt a bit slow in the beginning but when it picked up it picked UP and god i just love how he writes and how his stories play out!!!!!
i sort of had an inkling what was happening but the little red herrings did make me question it which i loved and still loved the reveals when they happened even if i did kind of guess them! BUT THE FINAL TWIST HELLO? thinking of it it felt a little too left field but IDCCC but what’s going to happen to billy now HELLO?
Briardark by S.A. Harian

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started off incredibly strong, i adored every minute of the first half. after that it started to get a little convoluted and too back and forthy, dragging slightly. however i just adore the lore and mystery that was created and i cannot wait to read the second one to learn what the hell is going on!!!!
The Accomplice by Steve Cavanagh

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gosh i just love this group of characters so much. i sort of knew what the twist would be very early on
but the second one, phew!
i loved harry and eddie in the court room together as well, and their hijinks 
The Devil's Advocate by Steve Cavanagh

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heartbreaking and intense with some dark antagonists. while not as.. punchy as some of the others in the series i loved the dubois family and had some scenes that yet again had my heart race from anticipation
Fifty-Fifty by Steve Cavanagh

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hands down my favourite of the series so far! plot was simpler and less twisty than some of the others but i just love how it was written and how the characters interacted with each other, i loved the addition of kate and especially harry and clarence <3
my heart was literally racing in the scene when it turned out harper was killed that was so sad i miss her :(
Thirteen by Steve Cavanagh

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it didn’t feel as twisty throughout like the liar with the twists being in the very end but loved how this was written and the sprinkle of mixed media too! ending felt maybe a little rushed to me maybe? idk but still THOROUGHLY enjoyed especially with the two POV’s! 
The Liar by Steve Cavanagh

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definitely my favourite in the series so far!!! it felt different yet familiar which i loved, and the twists and turns were so fun! i loved the little bits of humour in there as well, and eddie and flynn’s friendship was so nice to see more of in this one 
The Plea by Steve Cavanagh

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didn’t enjoy this AS much as the first one as it felt too stretched out in the beginning and then everything happened so quickly at the end but still really enjoyed it! i love how eddie reveals things to the court as well as us so it feels like we’re there as well, so it’s extremely well written.