bearlyreading's reviews
161 reviews

Chrysalis Corporation by T.A. Venedicktov

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I was a fan of this series before it even became a published worked sooooooo many years ago I can't even remember, back when it was just a story on Deviant Art, and I a thirsty Science fiction obsessed young adult. A few things have changed but being a thirsty Science Fiction Obsessed person has not. It is worth the read if you want a great Science Fiction story with some well written LGBTQ+ rep.
The Calculating Stars by Mary Robinette Kowal

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I am putting 5 stars, but in reality I would give this 4.75 star rating, It was honestly a really great book. It dealt with a million important issues and really dived into issues such as inequality, climate change, and the end of the world.
The Characters were intriguing and very well thought out. They felt as if they were real people which is exactly what you want from a Fictional story. The Conflicts in the story felt important, and even though it was set in the past the issues on women's rights and the rights of POC were well laid out in this book and painted a detailed picture of how deeply inequality ran. (And still does run...) The author made it relate to modern times while staying authentic to the 1950's, which just makes it even more evident on how far as a people we have come when we refer to equality showing how we still have such a long long way to go. I look forward to diving into the second book later this year!
The Black Witch by Laurie Forest

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I gave this a 4 Star review, mainly because It took me a little while to get in touch with the main character, I didn't like her at first but like a good author does, the author made her grow into a better person and into someone I actually enjoyed reading about. I look forward to reading more!
Wandfasted by Laurie Forest

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I give this a 4.5 Because honestly I really enjoyed it, but I wanted a little bit more from it than the romance behind Elloren parents, it gave SOME backstory that I enjoyed, but I would have loved to know so much more about their story.