Der Vorlesestil war mir viel zu albern und auch nicht kindgerecht, die modernisierten Märchen hatten im Vergleich zu den Originalen den Charme verloren und das neue Märchen „Schneepunzel“ wirkte eher wie eine Parodie. Absolut keine Empfehlung, lest/hört lieber die Originalversionen.
I liked the zoological part of the story about how primates are smarter than people think and are able to learn language and be trained and discovering more about the gorillas in the lost city. However the lengthy technical descriptions and explanations about electronics, equipment etc. literally almost put me to sleep while listening to the audiobook and this level of detail wasn’t really necessary for understanding or moving the story forward.
I wish this had been a full book or even a series not just a short story, love the idea of who Stella is and would have liked to read more about her life and the conflict of her two sides etc.
I loved getting to know all the details of Molly’s past & her grandma’s life, something I missed a bit in Book 1 so this really drew me into the story and made me want to keep reading. While I figured out some of the secrets before the end the book was still captivating and I did not suspect the murderer at all! Would definitely recommend 👍🏻
Too repetitive; each chapter just describes sneaking into Biogenix and hacking their servers over and over to collect data and the details of the genetic experiments the team is trying to uncover just get glossed over.
I felt like the prologue already kind of spoiled the ending - we know from the title that Maggie is missing and the prologue introduces us to a serial killer targeting young women. Not much mystery putting two and two together. I decided to still give it a shot because it could of course be a red herring but the book was terribly written; repetitive and redundant use of phrases and descriptions (we get to know about a higher-ranking police officer and are reminded of him being higher ranked 9 times over 2 pages for example, or the lively atmosphere of a restaurant is mentioned in every single paragraph while the protagonist is at the location. This book could probably be turned into a short story if one deleted all the repetitions and I gave up half way through because my brain just got so bored of reading the same thing over and over I just zoned out completely. Almost feels like a text written by AI.