beforethefever's reviews
81 reviews

The Honjin Murders by Seishi Yokomizo

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Spoilermy wife isn’t a virgin im gonna kms
Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton

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this book was sooooo good wow. i love a sci-fi book with an interesting, thought-provoking concept & a good plot twist. introspective, reflective, & melancholic but also hopeful in a way
Empireland by Sathnam Sanghera

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I learnt some interesting things here; some parts I would have liked to be expanded upon but I would still recommend the book 
Kamusari Tales Told at Night by Shion Miura

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there was some questionable romance stuff in this book that didn’t need to be included, but I will miss reading about the folklore and setting of this village♥️
Desert Creatures by Kay Chronister

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i think some parts of the book could’ve hit a little harder with a better writing style but this book was full of imagination & vivid imagery it was definitely an enjoyable read 
In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune

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I was loving this book at the beginning & I enjoyed how much imagination it contained but to me I felt like the plot ended up overshadowing the characters. if that makes sense. I think I would’ve enjoyed it more if the plot ended up having overall lower stakes and was scaled down to be more focussed on the dynamics between the characters as personally that was my favourite part of the book 
Crying in H Mart by Michelle Zauner

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I’m not completely sure why this book didn’t impact me as much I thought it would, maybe the length and the fact that the author’s relationship with her mother wasn’t explored in as much depth as I personally wanted it to be especially at the beginning, or that I don’t have my own experiences with grief. But it also feels weird to criticise such a personal memoir that’s clearly loved & relatable to many, & there were still definitely a few hard hitting parts for me 
Burning Roses by S.L. Huang

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tbh it’s not the best idea to read the 3rd book in a series first. i should probs read the first two as well now.