bibliosaurier's reviews
112 reviews

The Perfect Vessel for My Sins by Jasper Blew

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... what did i just read

not that i regret it 🙃

CW: dubious consent and BDSM that is definitely undernegotiated

goes without saying that this is 18+

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Queer Little Nightmares by David Ly, Daniel Zomparelli

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.

me and finishing anthologies

i really liked some of these so far, others were alright, i am not in the mood to continue atm but i most likely will do so at some point 
Volatile Reaction by Magnus Thorne

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i read this earlier this month but for some reason i don't remember when

i definitely enjoyed it though, very sweet
Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco

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[new favourite]

This is exactly my kind of book. Adult high fantasy with a complex plot (including fantasy politics!!) and world building, loveable, well developed characters, and some queer (!) romance. 

I especially loved how none of these elements felt forced or unnecessary! Each was given its room in the book, without another coming short. 

Remy, the MC, is so precious. Then his developing relationship with Xiaodan and Malekh! Their dynamic is so nice, and Malekh especially is such an interesting character, he’s my love (though who am I kidding, they all are, the rest of their found family, too!). I loved watching them slowly learn to understand one another on such a deep level, it's soo sigh, queers 

They didn't make it a shameful thing to be sexually intimate with each other, either! It's all very healthy and consensual (and hot, two of them a vampires!! (none of it is actually all that explicit but please still take this being an adult book seriously))

Then there are the topics of love and respect. Remy learning that he's worthy of love. One of my favourite tropes in media.

And I should probably mention that the vibes are immaculate as well. So is the magic/ science system (fantasy world building!)

I’m trying to hold back my rambles here, I meant to make this short, but oh well, here I am. 

Mainly, what I’m trying to say is, if you like fantasy politics, and vampires, and fight scenes, and found family, and poly romance, and queer joy, give this book a chance! You won't regret it. 

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Phantom and Rook by Aelina Isaacs

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 23%.

soft dnf (for now)

i'm just not in the mood rn, i haven't continued in too long to keep this in my CR, but i am really enjoying it so far! (especially the plot with the kid too like helloo this is so cute)
As You Like It by William Shakespeare

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this was my school theatre group's 2024 play, 10/10 (i was orlando, he was so having a bi crisis guys, can't relate, i'm gay, but yk)

i love the way shakespeare 

1) casually makes a non-man the mc (try fighting me on this)

2) just says fuck you to gender and makes the mc genderqueer (coded) (i will not accept any fighting on this)

honourable mentions:

- the homoerotic tension between ganymede and orlando!!

- lots of talk about things they do in caves... 

- and that ending was so random and chaotic

highly recommend (you'll be confused, but in a good way)