bookish_bumblebee's reviews
175 reviews

Things That Surprise You, by Jennifer Maschari

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SO AMAZING where to start? I read this when I was in 6th grade. It introduced me to anorexia, which was deeply interesting to me the struggles of Emily's sister. I loved the characters and plot. However, it was a tad bit predictable. over all, GREAT BOOK!
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus, Volume 1, by Dusti Bowling

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So unique a very fresh idea I love the characters and the main character was AMAZING. It did get boring at a point, though.
In Your Shoes, by Donna Gephart

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I barely read it and it was really boring. The idea for Tate was interesting though
The Year I Didn't Eat, by Samuel Pollen

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So interesting and never a boring part! I love how it shows how a person withe anorexia really feels and their thoughts. I loved the plot twist at the end( I won't spoil it for those who are thinking of reading this). I was kind of confused about Evie, though. However, I don't recommend this book for anyone younger than 12 because of swearing and some dirty stuff.
Fairest, by Marissa Meyer

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Ok,I am a serious Lunartic! The Lunar Chronicles is one of the best book series ever! However, I made a serious mistake when reading this book. This book is book 3.5, in between Cress and Winter. please remember that because u might miss out on some good references if u read it before or after. This book was so interesting and it showed the childhood of the antagonist of the story, Empress Levana Blackburn of Luna. They describe some events so beware. Again, an AMAZING book with absolutely no flaws.
Wires and Nerve, Volume 1, by Marissa Meyer

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3.5 stars

Extremely good! The art style is interesting and cute even though they made Cress act kinda different which upset me because she is my favorite character, but they made Iko (who was highlighted in this book) AMAZING!!. The story got kind of boring and they made new characters. It was a really interesting idea, though.
Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World, by Kelly Jensen

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So inspiring to hear peoples stories. It gave me a deeper understanding of what feminism truly is and how I can be part of this incredible movement. It answered a lot of questions and misunderstanding I had about the topic. A must-read for any young adult, whatever gender you may be. Features writing from some female celebrities such as Mindy Kaling and Laverne Cox, who are truly AMAZING. However I don't really recommend this book for anyone under the age of 12 because it gets a little deep into some issues.
Love, Ish, by Karen Rivers

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I've read The Girl In the Well is me and it was amazing but this book lacked a little. The main character Ish was kind of annoying and a little boring at times and there is a major plot twist that kind of made no sense and was pretty pitiful. I got confused between Iris and Elliot and I thought that Gavriel would come out and say hes trans or something but I guess not I wished it did happen though. And WHO names there kid TIG??
Fish in a Tree, by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

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Didn't even bother finishing it was boring
Anne Frank: A Hidden Life, by Mirjam Pressler

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So intriguing. I thought I knew lots about Anne Frank and after reading this I realized I definitely did not! How ever it was very sad. It's so depressing that someone so amazing and funny could have their life be just as insignificant to people.