bookishpaiige's reviews
76 reviews

It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey

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At first it was really difficult for me to get into this book, i've came to the realization that i HATE the spoiled rich girl trope (need to make note of that going forward so I dont waste my time) but as I kept reading I really enjoyed this book.

Piper was only insufferable for the first couple chapters until she moved to Westport, and I finally started to like her character. Piper was someone who needed to find herself, and discover what truly made her happy outside of her LA socialite appearance... she found that in Westport with a little help from Brendan.

Now Brendan... Tessa Bailey can write a main male character let me tell you! Good lord! Brendan was one of the hottest mmc's i've read about in awhile and I loved how he thought of piper. Their relationship was sooo swoony, and he was such a man with her ugh I loved it! I found myself smiling a lot throughout this book, I do hope they turn it into a netflix movie!
The Deal by Elle Kennedy

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Hannah Wells was one of my favorite mfc's, although she went though something extremely traumatic she came out the other end healed and confident. Although she had trouble talking to guys she was interested in (who doesn't at her age), she was still a confident & fiery girl so when she met Garrett she was quick with her witty responses.

Garrett was perfect. I really loved the banter between Hannah and him, it read so authentically. Hannah really gave him a run for his money, and reading how he thought of her was so heart warming. Hannah and Garrett were exactly what each other needed, and I'm so happy their fake dating turned into the real deal.

I cant wait to read the rest of the books in this series!
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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Three stars for me.
I think this book is reallllllly over hyped. I understand its the first book of the series, and introducing the complex fantasy world of Prythian but I wish people would just say that when talking about this book. It was so slow and boring the first half and once it finally got good, it went back to slow and boring until Feyre had to go fight for Tamlins life at which point the book did spark enough of my interest to want to continue the series.

I am looking forawrad to the next book!
Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas

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I never knew I liked age gap tropes until I read Heartless, but than I read Birthday Girl I realized I didn't just "like" age gap tropes I fucking love them! I read this book in one day, the anticipation between Jordan and Pike had me hooked the moment they met each other and I needed to know how the story ended. I was really intrigued to read how the author was going to navigate their complex relationship, but Penelope did it perfectly!
Pike was sooooooo swoony and manly, I loved his character and how he thought of Jordan. They really were meant for eachother.
Every Summer After by Carley Fortune

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This was such an easy & fun read. This was my first childhood friends to lovers romance book and I really enjoyed it. I loved how Sam and Percy's friendship started off so innocent and pure, and how Sam was so respectful and caring of Percy. Reading about their childhood friendship was really cute, although at times Sam really pissed me off because he was way too mature for such a young kid lol!

I really didn't like the "big secret", it didn't make any sense nor was it even believable given Percy's character was a shy, reserved, girl who consistently questioned herself there's no way someone like her would of been able to actually do something like that. Therefore, it sort of ruined the book for me.

All together, I give this book 4 starts because it was really cute and well written.
The Score by Elle Kennedy

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Aside from this book satisfying my little romanic heart, this was by far the funniest book of the series. I thought This Mistake was hysterical, but The Score definitely takes the cake.

Allie was so cute!! I loved her personality and how she played hard to get and gave Dean a run for his money. Dean and Allie's chemistry was truly unmatched compared to the rest of the books. They were made for each other!

The banter between all the characters in this book was so freaking funny, I found myself literally laughing out loud throughout the entire book. Elle Kennedy did good with The Score, I think in order my favorite books are-

1. The Score
2. The Mistake
3. The Deal
4. The Goal
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

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This book was perfect. That's it, that's the review.
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

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[Spoilers ahead]

This is the best book I've ever read. I think it somehow managed to imprint on my heart because I feel such a deep sense of happiness after finishing this book, I feel as if I'm glowing. I cant believe how astonishingly good it was.

The character depth of this book was out of this world. I have no idea how Sarah managed to tie so many rich story lines together, she made you fall in love with every character (aside maybe two or three) and gave them each a purpose. She somehow managed to make you love even the darkest characters, before revealing their true colors.

This book had you on the edge of your seat the entire time. I caught myself screaming, jumping up and down, and having mini anxiety attacks. I loved when pieces of the trilogy came together seamlessly - the word brilliant doesn't even due it justice. Sarah Maas your talent as an author is truly unmatched!

Although I will forever be a Feyre and Rhys stan, I loved every character in this book. Everyone was truly magnificent.

I'll end with this... I hear a lot of people say "I wish I could experience the feeling again of reading this book for the very first time", but I dont feel that way at all because I know when I reread this book, I'll still have the same exact excitement and happiness as I did when I first read it.
Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan

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Mia Sheridan blessed us with a deeply emotional love story between Bree & Archer, this book was so heavy and beautiful.

Both Bree and Archer went through dark times, and lost both their parents in tragic ways. I was not mentally prepared for their stories whatsoever, and I cried multiple times throughout the book. This was definitely a hard read in the sense of having to control my emotions, but boy was it worth it.

I'm so happy Bree and Archer found each other, I'll forever be consumed by their story.
Heartless by Elsie Silver

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Where do I even start..... This book was fucking amazing. Else Silver is KILLING it with the Chestnut Springs series and Heartless did not disappoint, in fact I think it was the best book of the series (haven't finished powerless or reckless yet) but I know its going to be hard to compete with Cade & Willa.

I'll start with Willa. Her character is so fun, easy going, loving, caring, and sassy ugh her sass is everything. She challenges Cade in all the right ways, and she isn't scared to piss him off. Not to mention, the way she loves Luke is heart melting! Shes so witty and fun, i really loved her character and I'm so happy she had a happy ending.

Cade, uhhhhh CADE!! I'm literally in love. Yes, hes a grumpy man whos so standoffish and unapproachable but reading his POV and how he looked at Willa and felt about her was so sincere and admirable. From the moment he saw Willa he thought of her like the sun shines out of her ass (seriously, he was obsessed) but he didn't show his cards right away and fought with himself on how to express his feelings toward her... and when the slow burn finally came to an end it WAS WORTH THE WAIT.

Anyways, I really cant stop gushing over these two. They're literally perfect!! You killed it Elsie Silver, thank you for giving us Cade & Willa!