“We’re all standing at death’s door; someone has to be next in line”
THIRST was a beautiful novel about death and wanting, about mourning and identity versus an ever changing world. This unique take on the vampire genre was refreshing and wonderfully melancholic, yet animalistic to its core. Even as a vampire, she remains flawed, scared, lonely, emotions we see reflected in Alma, a human mother watching her own mother slowly fade from life.
I adored this book; while I did think the plot slowed down toward the end, the overall story was more than enough to keep me interested. Definitely recommend if you’re looking for a new take on vampires!
I really wanted to like this book, but it felt too much like trying to be SOUTHERN BOOK CLUB’S GUIDE TO SLAYING VAMPIRES with the dial turned up. Way too many minute details, slow pacing, characters that didn’t leave an impact, and too many tropes for this to be scary (the child predicting the demon, exorcisms, etc.)
I also thought we barely saw any horror or the demon itself, as the plot flipped flopped on “we gotta expel this demon” to “troubles of a suburban housewife”. I do like the message it was trying to send about the importance of community and friendship among mothers and women in general nowadays, but it just fell flat for me.
“I want it. I want to savor it to the last drop. The delicious mess of it. All of it. Everything. Forever.”
While I didn’t love this book as much as I did Black Sheep, I still finished it in like 2 sittings. A beautifully written, fast-paced story about learning to live while not technically being alive. The characters were real, the emotions raw, and the conflict and tension were handled expertly.
I’m over the moon this ended on a happy note— I was getting serious “Thirsty” by MT Anderson vibes from this, and I’m happy these characters got the good they deserved out of lives that dealt them shitty hands. Vampire and girl friendships— literally what could be better?
Above average contemporary romance- VERY spicy, good dialogue, good pacing, somewhat confusing dual POVs, but the couple was cute and I liked how the curse was broken.
Cute! Nothing special but I did enjoy this one, very cozy, like a hallmark Halloween movie. Wish there was more romance and lore into the magic system and town history. Will probably pick up the next book in the series!