booknallnight's reviews
1508 reviews

House of Sky and Breath, by Sarah J. Maas

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Whelp that was nothing like I expected. So, so freaking good. Had me on the edge of my seat almost the entire time.  I can't believe the ending and now I have to twiddle my thumbs waiting for the next installment. Whew !
The Plea, by Steve Cavanagh

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Holy wow...finally a series that promises thrills and twists and actually delivers!!! This was absolutely amazeballs and I cannot wait to read the next book. Eddie is my favorite character right now.
Our Missing Hearts, by Celeste Ng

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I was so excited when I saw a new book from this author.  I absolutely LOVED the other two I've read by her. Our Missing Hearts, sadly, was a disappointment.

This one still has the author's beautiful writing and easy style BUT this is marketed completely wrong. This is not Sci-Fi and is only mildly dystopian. It's more so a political fiction drama that is slow and lacks depth.

I tried hard to love this one but it just didn't work for me. I loved the concept but felt so much was lacking with the story and the characters overall.
Murder in Haxford: A Pignon Scorbion Mystery, by Rick Bleiweiss

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Murder in Haxford is a delightful cozy mystery. It's a little slower in pace than I'm used to for a cozy, but that didn't take away from my enjoyment.

I didn't realize this was book 2 (it's scary how often I tend to start a series out of order lately 🤣) BUT within the first few chapters I had a pretty good grasp of the characters in play and it didn't feel like I missed much by not reading the first. I do love when a book can be read as a standalone.

I really enjoyed the period this was set in, as well as the dialogue used. It was definitely a different time for genteel conversations and manners.

The mystery was interesting as well and I enjoyed the working mind of Pignin Scorbion. I need to go back and read the first book now. I read some reviews that said the first was even better with the humor and dialogue so I'm curious now.

I am glad I had the chance to read this one and I sincerely appreciate the publisher and Kaye Publicity for the review copy. All opinions expressed herein are my own.
The Defence, by Steve Cavanagh

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OK so is this a tad unbelievable? Yes. Does that make me love it any less? Nah 🤣

I flew through this one and actually finished in one day.  I did not want to work today because I was rooted in this story. I absolutely love Eddie. He is a well written morally grey character and I'm here for it.

I have been wanting a high octane legal thriller as well and The Defense certainly least for me it did. I could easily picture this as a movie while I was reading and that just added more to enjoyment. Whew! I cannot wait to read about Eddie's next chaotic adventure.
The Cross, by Steve Cavanagh

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I was finally able to get my hands on this novella and man am I glad.  It may be short, but it definitely wasn't lacking.
Vinyl Resting Place, by Olivia Blacke

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This was a fun cozy! I absolutely love the record shop theme and the fun coffee names. Vanilla Iced Ice Baby 😂😂😂

I love small town settings so this was on point for me. Plus strong family vibes, murder, and solid mystery solving. Juni and her sisters are great and I really enjoyed their interactions.

I have already pre-ordered book 2 and can't wait to see where this goes next. I sincerely appreciate St. Martin's Press for the review copy. All opinions expressed herein are my own.
The Split, by Sharon Bolton

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Not really sure about this one. I didn't hate it. But I didn't love it. honestly it was really just an entire story with nothing happening until the very end. That was the most enjoyable part for me.
The Last Goodnight, by Kat Martin

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Romance isn't my usual vibe, but sometimes I do enjoy a good romantic suspense.  I knew going into The Last Goodnight that is what to expect so I was ready for it LOL

Overall, I really enjoyed this one. The interaction between Kade and Ellie was perfect for me. Not too much spice but not lacking in it either. It was the right balance.  Mix that with the crime fiction and suspense, and this made for a good, quick read.

The only thing that irritated me a bit was the repetitiveness of Kade and Ellie saying how sexy each other was.  I mean...ok already after the 5th time...we get it 😂

Anywho...this was definitely a nice change of pace. This is one series I will be continuing.