bookshelflawyer's reviews
421 reviews

If It Makes You Happy by Julie Olivia

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It feels like forever ago when I first picked a Julie Olivia book and she solidified herself as my favorite author. With every release, I tell myself that it can’t really get better than the previous books and she manages to prove me wrong!!

This monster of a book had me all wrapped up in my feels in a way that I just wasn’t expecting. I identified with Michelle in a way that feels so rare with the books I read. A workaholic who thinks she’s happy in what she’s doing because there are career goals met trying to hold it together following the death of her mother? Honestly 😭 it just had me wrapped up in my feels in a caring sort of way. 

This love story was so much more than just a romance book. It was a love story between Cliff and Michelle, sure, but it was also a love story between Michelle and the girls, with Copper Run, between Cliff and his children, and most of all between Michelle and herself. She had to love herself to make decide what would actually make her happy, regardless of what “should” be done. I was invested in so much more than just the main romance throughout the book. Now, I still was highkey invested in the main romance, so that slow burn was BRUTAL, but it was so worth it in the end!! And, finally, Rocket. Perfection. Pure perfection. 

Thank you @penpalpr for allowing me to ARC read this book, it was a dream!! ❤️

wolf.e by Paisley Hope

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Ya’ll should know by now that I’ve been pretty obsessed with Paisley Hope for a while and this book is a prime example of why. This woman roped me in with a part-time cowboy romance and now has me forever in her gang with a motorcycle romance (see what I did there ;)) 

I love Gabriel, I love Brinley, I love everyone that’s mentioned in this darn book (except for certain you know whos). As a big fan of MC romances, I gobbled this up despite not really wanting to sit down and read lately, it was that good. Paisley had me emotionally involved with not just the main characters, but with everyone. I was excited to see Layla’s wedding and I was happy to see Ax and Kai teasing their club president about falling in love. I also wanted to ugly cry at Shelly being like a mother to Wolfe and Ax. 

While there were plenty of heartfelt moments, that did not mean this story had them at the expense of spice. Wolfe is a smitten biker with a dirty mouth and the spicy scenes in this book did not disappoint! So many good quotes and some spicy scenes that were a little on the darker side! From my memory, this is Paisley’s first dip into darker material and I for one am here for it!

I absolutely cannot wait until we return to the Hounds of Hell and if Kai could get a bit of love somewhere down the line, I wouldn’t be mad at it!