brandyrae's reviews
477 reviews

Sweetpea by C.J. Skuse

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Meh. Annoying main character, try-hard author, boring murders.
Most Ardently: A Pride & Prejudice Remix by Gabe Cole Novoa

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Pride and Prejudice retelling with a trans Elizabeth  Oliver. 
There was a historical note at the end but I did still have a question but it's spoilers, so I shan't discuss it here. 

Super quick read
A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark

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This was much better than the novellas. With room to breathe, this world that P Djeli Clark has created is so good!
The Haunting of Tram Car 015 by P. Djèlí Clark

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Still good but my least favorite of the Dead Djinn books I've read so far.
Tired of Winning: Donald Trump and the End of the Grand Old Party by Jonathan Karl

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A lot of stuff that Karl has covered in other books, but if you're not up to date on this stuff, some of it didn't have as much context as I generally like to see.
Shorter but still should be read by everyone. Like people need to see this man for what he is. How close this next election is boggles the Mind when this man has shown us time and again who he is.
The Tainted Cup by Robert Jackson Bennett

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Looking forward to the next adventure