brooklynrough's reviews
173 reviews

Truly, Devious by Maureen Johnson

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Is it me? Am I the problem? 
The Cows by Dawn O'Porter

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Quite out of left field. I don't need my books to be that realistic but this book wasn't and it mattered to me for some reason. And the inner monology really made the story drag as things were repeatedly anylazed again and again. Cam's blog entrys, while informative and inspiring, lost my interest after a while and felt dense throughout the story, and I wish there wasn't so many. And the book wasn't funny like it is advertised. I think this book just didn't work for me and that's a real shame because I loved the previous book I read by this author.
So Lucky by Dawn O'Porter

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So easy, entertaining, and enjoyable to read. Definitely reading more from this author. Feel like I find a hidden gem who has quite a few books on kindle unlimited!
In Five Years by Rebecca Serle

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I flew through this book, but it really wasn't what I was expecting. It's marketed as a romance book but it's really a romance of friendship. The storyline took a very different turn, away from any typical romance after 100 pages. I appreciated the emphasis on true love within friendship, but like I said, I felt a bit blindsided reading. Would I of picked it up if I had known what the storyline was really about? Maybe not. But at the same time, I am glad I did. Because I want to read more from Rebecca Serle, as she is a really good writer. Because this was a really good story, told in a really interesting way. All though I'm not so sure about the ending and the moral side of what happened.
the whole idea that Danny got to the poimt in her life because of grief instead of love was well done and I enjoyed the way it was told as she realized this. I just dont know, at the same time, about the fact that she had to bang her bffs boyfriend. I dont think she would of been laughing about it