celestitty's reviews
240 reviews

Court of Nightmares by K.A. Knight

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 43%.
i tried so hard to finish this book because i got the special edition from bookish, but i couldn’t. this author is not for me. 

take a shot every time someone grins or winks, or wiggles their eyebrows. 

there was potential for such a good story, but the story was so bad, the fmc was trying way too hard to be bad a**, the smut was every couple pages. 

would this book not be b*astia!ity??? she does it with the spider AND a snake??????? someone’s throat got ripped out???? my god it was so bad. it’s just gonna be a pretty book on my shelf i guess. i cannot do this 
Wisteria by Adalyn Grace

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this entire review basically is a spoiler

i wish there was another book. aris and  blythe deserved a better life together. what do you MEAN he sacrifices his life so she can live this time? as soon as he ACTUALLY realizes who she is.

i miss this series already. i’m so so sad it’s over. 
Goldfinch by Raven Kennedy

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slade and auren are everything to me. this series is my everything. i’m so so sad it’s over. 

i threw aside my other 2 anticipated reads for this, and finished it in 7 hours after it was released. 

i will miss this universe and characters so much, but i do hope there’s a spin off. there’s so many questions at the end, and i hope one day raven answers them.