chaosbooked's reviews
74 reviews

People Like Them by Samira Sedira

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"Sadly, songs don't last forever. When they suddenly come to an end, the cruelty of the world returns and we have to continue without the music." I liked this book. I randomly picked it up at a booksale based on the cover. The first chapter was intense and I almost stopped reading it but I am glad I didn't. I liked that it was of a woman's point of view and she was talking to her partner. It felt personal and real. The killers loved ones is a point of view I often think about but rarely see.
How Can I Help You by Laura Sims

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 33%.
Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 32%.
Conjure Women by Afia Atakora

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
It's Always Been Ours: Rewriting the Story of Black Women's Bodies by Jessica Wilson

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Good non complicated book on a complicated and layered problem of belonging to society while also having a body.  Made me think about diet culture, race, and being a women in a different lens. Validating, challenging, and showing ideas. 
Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder

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What the fuck did I just read and did I like it? Um yes, I think I did. This book is the wildest book I think I've read. It is chaotic and all over the place and strange but it works. It gets five stars because it is stuck in my head. It stands out. It was a fast, easy read. It does have multiple perspectives but I enjoy that. I am perfectly at peace with the ending but could see people not liking it. Is there a WTF genre, if not Lucy A Snyder just invented one.
Killing Me by Michelle Gagnon

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One of the best opening chapters I have ever read. Best as in the most WTF is going on here, I have to read more best. A fucked up, fun filled, serial killer hunt down.  The suspense was constantly vomited up. 
Numb to This: Memoir of a Mass Shooting by Kindra Neely

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Memoir of a mass shooting should never have to have been writing. I can't wait until it is used as a historical text. Powerful, raw, real, angry, numb, despair. Everyone should read. A personal story that opens a window into one person's experiences.
Jagged Little Pill by Eric Smith

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 28%.