cherki_amina's reviews
341 reviews

Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

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Loved the book it was nice very entertaining.
Xhat i love about Stephanie Garber’s books is the writing style, the dialogues very romantic and the characters. Most of them are charismatic (except Dante and Tella 🙄)
What i don’t like is the actual plot and event of the books she makes big deal about nothing. 
Tbh i feel like there isn’t much she can write in book 2 and 3 but ik book 2 is fan favourite so i’m excited for it.
The Highlander's Bride by Michele Sinclair

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I would have given it more if not for the boring part where Laurel was fixing the castle and if Conor wasn’t that grumpy and borderline mean sometimes 
The Coven by Harper L. Woods

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I liked the vibe and if you love smutty witchy books you would love this. I found it a bit insta lust/love until we reached the end and i was veryy surprised by the plot twist wow ! Because of that end I’m definitely reading book 2.

Things We Hide From The Light by Lucy Score

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Honestly the best part of the book is the epilogues, the first was so damn cute because of Knox/Naomi/ Waylay and the second one because of Nash/Lina, i won't lie i teared up 🥺🥺.
I had high hopes for this book because i loved the first one and i'm such a sucker for nice men in books !
Unfortunately the plot was so boring and long without any reason for it to be like that. I wanted more romance and more scenes of just the two of them being vulnerable and emotional with each other.
Better Than the Movies by Lynn Painter

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This was a good enjoyable read.
What i liked : 
- WES lol he’s so funny and sweet and attentive… 
- the fact that the characters sounded like their age (17-18) but without being overly childish.
- Liz’s grief with of her mother 🥺🥺.
- the fact the Liz was into romance and love and wasn’t ashamed of it, i related to her so much in this aspect because i love LOVE.
- the book felt like a 2000s romcom and i missed those, they aren’t making films like this anymore
- the music part of the book, i loved it.
What i didn’t like : 
- Liz was an awful friend and she literally hate girls/women without any valable reason. I think she needed therapy after her mother died but no one noticed what she’s been going through.
- i wanted more romance between Liz and Wes i think the few pages we got weren’t enough for my forever romantic self.

When Life Gives You Lemons by Noor Sasha

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Please don’t be like me and be fooled with one or two good quotes, this book is so badly written 😭😭.
The characters are so lame and cringy. And please tell le why would you go and write a muslim romance where the characters have sex outside if wedlock, have tattoos, they curse in front if their parents (i’ve never seen pakistani parents allow this). What are you representing exactly ?? The bad muslims ?? Muslims who aren’t religious ???
It felt like watching muslim characters written by netflix writers.
Is the author at least muslim ?? 
OMG and the sexe made me so uncomfortable 😭😭. I literally read dark romance with all the kinks and i wasn’t uncomfortable as i was in this book
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling

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Done ✅ and ofc i’m crying 😭😭
I don’t care what anyone(and specially snape’s fans) Dumbledore is the greatest and cleaverst wizard ever. He might have been not 100% truthful and he manipulates people but he does it for the greater good. He is what we call an anti hero.
Also why are Hermoine znd Ron still doubting Harry when he tells them that something/someone isn’t good, didn’t they learn in the past 6 years that he’s always right ??
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

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Thoughts to come, will probably have spoilers (rating might change)
Edit : review :

Yellowface by RF Kuang

This book let you in the secrets and dark side of the publishing industry, how marginalised authors are seen and how they are coerced to write what the industry wants. Because they fo want a poc author to talk about sensible subjects but it shouldn’t be too sensible or it might offend someone. They can go and change real history just because it seems a bit too much of trauma.
You might be surprised by this rating if you saw my stories while reading it. Because even though this book enticed me and i couldn’t thinking about it when i wasn’t reading it, it was also frustrating. I got frustrated from the main character which i think was the author’s point, she kept going in her racism and entitlement and victim playing and i just wanted to shake her, this part was the good part. But than we reached the ending and to be honest i was very disappointed with it, i wanted more, i expected more.
A friend of mine and i were discussing this book and she told me she felt as if the editors/publishing company forced the author to change the ending which would have been ironic based on the content of the book xD but it seemed very probable because it felt as if a white woman wrote the ending and not a poc woman who usually faces racism.
As i said i enjoyed it very much and read it in under 4h, but i wanted a better ending (some loved the ending though so it’s very personal)
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim

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I really liked it, the world was interesting. Asian fantasy books are so ethereal.
I got bored for a bit because the plot twist and problems were unraveling very easy but still it’s a nice read
The Echo of Old Books by Barbara Davis

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It was sad and heartbreaking. I felt so bad for all the years that they wasted 😭
I enjoy this type of books with dual stories, it always makes it more interesting