one of my least favourites by AC on the whole and still there were some pieces that were so good I wanted to throw up on the floor and lick it up like a dog
Loved to get more insight into what life is like in the swamp 😍 interesting story (although much more man than gator) and I’m glad that the author wanted to portray the nuance of the situation and like be empathetic towards the poachers but since the whole thing was still told through the eyes of a cop it just made it feel unbelievable and kind of cringe . I love you alligator
mid ….. technically I learned a lot bc I knew zero about the topic going in but i wanted way way way more depth from the discussion of medical ethics which was so lukewarm and literally boiled down to “racism is bad but omgggggg old books are sooooo cool 😍”
I can actually excuse every single cliche in here bc of the inclusion of the man forced to look at microfiche at the library to find out who died in his house trope. Use those resources king